Today’s students have declared their desire to make a difference after they graduate. Additionally, the boomers have entered their third stage of life transitioning from a successful life to seeking a life of significance. Combined, these two generations make up over 60% of today’s workforce. However, as we continue to educate in an antiquated fashion, we put the long-term success of these investments at risk. Education for this growing group of social innovators needs to outline their new identities and relevance.
EvolvED is an essential professional education certificate program designed to build the necessary skills for social entrepreneurs to achieve the essential double bottom line returns for investors and the communities they serve. This program is exclusively designed for leaders of all ages and geographies actively engaged with social enterprises of all stages both philanthropies, nonprofit and for-profit enterprises. Additionally, to fill the critical gap in leadership education and support services, EvolvED has developed a comprehensive series of social entrepreneur leadership courses with high academic rigor designed to fill the gap between a few formal higher education degree programs and low-level mentoring with soft skills development market offerings.
Social Impact