My CV: Here’s what I’ve done
Arizona State University
Senior Innovation Fellow
Managing Director, Action Lab
Digital Teaching and Learning Research
The Praxis Group
Social Impact in Education
Saylor Foundation for Education
USAID/Education Development Center
Laureate Education
Community Coalition for Haiti
SVP Open Source Solutions via Acquisition of Moodlerooms
Learning Diagnostics
Impact Measurement consultancy
Education Testing Service
VP Corporate Development
VP Elementary and Secondary Education
Cross functional divisions management
M&A, scaling enterprises
Novak Biddle Venture Partners
Early stage education investment strategy
Portfolio company turnarounds and growth
Founding CEO
Corporate Strategy
Growth through M&A
On Line New Media division start-up
Turner Education Services-Turner Broadcasting
New product innovation
Education programs and operations
Relevant Coursework
The Wharton School
2014 Social Entrepreneurship
2011 Executive Education
George Mason University, Mason Center for Social Entrepreneurship
2014 Social Entrepreneurship
University of Michigan
2014 Social Network Analysis
Pennsylvania State University Bachelor of Arts
Speech Communications and Journalism
I am based in the Washington, DC area, and I enjoy family time, long bike rides, dabbling in wine, and being an active grandparent to two highly spirited grandsons.